4 Women - 40 Instruments - The Recorder Quartet Flautando Köln

Bachwoche | Ansbach


Recorder quartet and percussion

Groove with Erik Satie & Kurt Weill, Pete Rose & Paul Smadbeck, turkish traditionals, English & Irish Folk and more. As guest joins us Torsten Müller, percussion and marimba

No one who has experienced the four ladies from Cologne in action with their recorder arsenal will doubt that you can play anything on recorders if you have the groove in your blood. They uninhibitedly incorporate everything into their line-up that appeals to their playfulness and shine with sophisticated arrangements and perfect interplay. This time, together with percussionist Torsten Müller, they are on the trail of the “ultimate rhythm" and find it in the pub and in the jazz cellar, on the shores of the Thames and on the Bosporus, in the tango with Kurt Weill or in the sound of minimal music. When Ursula Thelen lends her voice to "Seeräuberjenny", the air is on fire - and when it gets really quiet, you can be sure: The next rhythmic eruption is just around the corner ...
